How Do You Get Rid Of Scars From Acne - Natural Secrets For Eliminating Acne Scars Naturally
If you want to cure acne marks quickly avoid applying vitamin E
You may have heard that applying topical vitamin E to a scar will help it heal faster. Most of the evidence available of vitamin E's benefit on marks is anecdotal at best. The topical use of vitamin E has not been proven to improve the state of zit scars. Even ingesting too much vitamin E can cause problems in your body so it is important to talk to a health professional before starting. A study from the University of Miami has shown that the topical application of vitamin E may make acne scars worse. The researchers demonstrated in their study that vitamin E did nothing to improve the appearance of marks in 90 percent of the participants (how do you get rid of acne scars). The appearance of some participants’ scars even worsened in some cases. Through regular use of this antioxidant on your face you may develop contact dermatitis. The simple definition of dermatitis is inflammation of the skin that often leads to severe itching and redness. Have care in tending to your pimple scars as many things like vitamin E can be ineffective or worsen their appearance.

Learn how picking at acne scars will make them harder to remove
Scars are made mainly of collagen and are the body's way of repairing itself. The sunken pits that you can get with pimple scars are because of extreme collagen loss. Inflammation is what discolors and scars your skin and picking only worsens it. Trying to pop or pick at scars can cause more damage to your collagen because bacteria can enter more easily (click here to learn how to heal acne scarring). You should avoid picking or pulling at your zit scars or scabs. The reason scabs form is to protect your skin during the healing process. You will delay the restructuring of your skin and increase the scarring if you pull off a scab before it is ready. Most scars will fade even though it may take 12 months or longer. Some acne will scar you no matter what but you must try not to touch the spots. For bad cysts or pain apply ice to relieve discomfort.
Discover how punch excision treats acne marks and can change your life
Deep marks such as icepick and boxcar scars are usually treated with punch excision. Because of the depth and sharpness of these types of marks they cannot be treated with laser resurfacing and dermabrasion. The procedure of punch excision uses a punch biopsy tool which is basically a round and sharp tool that comes in diameters ranging from 1.5 mm to 3.5 mm. The scar is then excised with the punch tool and the epidermis edges are sutured together. If the scars are really severe your cosmetic surgeon may suggest using the punch excision with derma grafting acne scar procedure. Instead of suturing the epidermis edges together a punch epidermis graft take from behind the ear will fill the excised part on your face (how do you get rid of scars from acne). Because of the nature of these surgeries there will obviously be another scar that is left behind but it will fade with time. Some doctors also recommend that you stay away from water for the next 5 to 7 days after the procedure. More care for the area post operation is that it should be protected from sunlight and the tissue should not be stretched during time of healing. Even though punch excision dramatically improves facial epidermis smoothness you may still want microdermabrasion or another treatment if you have still have discoloration.