How To Get Rid Of Dark Acne Scars - Powerful Techniques To Treat Pimple Scars
Try out Apple Cider Vinegar remedies to diminish the scars caused by zit
Apple Cider Vinegar regulates the pH of your epidermis and can be used to help fade acne marks. Dilute Apple Cider Vinegar with two parts water and then you will be ready to use it in various ways. After washing your face spread the apple cider vinegar dilution over your face with a cotton ball to use as a toner to help even out discoloration. Using Apple Cider Vinegar on your face helps get rid of acne marks by reducing dry skin and itchiness (remove pimple scars quickly). This vinegar is also said to be great for your epidermis because it aids digestion A great brew of Apple Cider Vinegar requires 2 teaspoons of both apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass if water. To heal your zit marks and support your immune system drink this tonic three times a day. If the acidity of the drink bothers you it is recommended to add baking soda to help with neutralizing the tonic. Another way to use Apple Cider Vinegar is to add some of its juice to a warm bath and to soak in it for 15 to 20 minutes. Buying Apple Cider Vinegar in a health food store is easy and inexpensive and it stores well.
Do not apply vitamin E to your acne marks directly as you will stunt healing
You may have heard that applying topical vitamin E to a scar will help it heal faster. There has been known scientific evidence to show this as most of the accounts are unofficial. The topical use of vitamin E has not been proven to improve the state of pimple marks. Talk to a nutritionist before consuming vitamin E in capsule form as too much can harm your body. According to a study from researchers at the University of Miami applying the nutrient directly onto a scar can actually hinder its healing (how to get rid of deep acne scars). The researchers demonstrated in their study that vitamin E did nothing to improve the appearance of marks in 90 percent of the participants. The appearance of some participants’ marks even worsened in some cases. More than 30% of the participants developed contact dermatitis during this study. Contact dermatitis is an inflammation of the epidermis as a result of exposure to an irritant. Be careful as there are many products that claim to be able to help you remove zit marks but some like vitamin E can do more damage.

A great cream for acne scars is cortisone as it is absorbed by epidermis cells and reduces inflammation
Clean and exfoliate the affected areas on your skin with lukewarm water and a soft cloth. After cleaning your face apply no more than a 0.5 percent strength cortisone cream to the scars. Be sure not to use prescription strength hydrocortisone as it can result in serious harm and damage to the skin. With regular use a fade cream will help lighten the epidermis and diminish acne marks. Look for creams that have ingredients like Kojic acid which is a skin lightener (how to get rid of dark acne scars). Also creams that contain Vitamin C and an ingredient called ascorbic acid can be used since both provide a lightening element to your skin. If a cream contains hydroxyl acids it will speed up the skin's remodeling process and help heal post-inflammatory changes. In 1995 a study was published in which the researcher showed that treating scars with silicone reduced their visibility in 56% of cases. You can purchase silicone ointments or gel sheets but both will accomplish fading your acne scars.